pp108 : Filter Process Instances Interface

Filter Process Instances Interface

This topic describes the fields in the window.

You can retrieve information about process instances using the selection criteria on the Filter Process Instances window.
The following table describes the fields in the Filter Process Instances window:

Table 1. Fields in the Filter Process Instances window



Pre-defined Filters

When there are a huge number of process instances, you might want to filter them based on certain criteria for monitoring purpose. Select a filter from the list of pre-defined filters.
1.Click associated with the Choose Filter field. The Select Process Filter dialog appears displaying a list of available filter criteria.
2.Select a filter criteria and click OK. Alternatively, select the User Default checkbox to set the default filter criteria.

Select by Business Process Name

When you want to filter process instances, you need to indicate the business process whose instances you want to filter. Use this field to filter process instances by selecting the business process to which they belong. Click associated with the Business Process field. The Select a Process dialog appears displaying all available business process models. Select the required business process model for which you want to view the process instances and click OK. To remove the attached process model, click .

Select by Instance Properties

If you want to filter process instances based on its specific properties, use Select by Instance Properties. However, not specifying process instances properties as filter criteria does not affect filtering.

  • Instance Type: Select the required criteria from the drop-down list and type the source from where the business process was triggered.
  • Started by User: Select required criteria from the drop-down list and click to select the user who instantiated the process, from the list that appears.
  • Start Date Time: The start date and time. This is used to display processes that have been instantiated till this date. Select required criteria from the drop-down list and click to select a date. Specify the time in the text box associated with this field.
  • Duration: Select the required criteria from the drop-down list and type the duration of the process. Specify the duration in days, hours, and minutes format.
  • Instance ID: The ID representing the process instance. You cannot use a combination of other selection criteria along with the instance ID. This is because, at any point of time, only a single matching record is displayed as a result of the search.
  • Process Status: To set the filter criteria based on the status of the process instance select the relevant check box.

Select by Action in Progress

Refers to the date and time of last action performed in a processes instance. You can use this option to display the process instances in which an action occurred with reference to a specific date and time.

  • Action Date Time:
    1. Select an option from the Selection Type drop-down list to set the selection criteria. The options available are - Equal to, Between, Greater or Equal to, Greater than, Less or Equal to, Less than, and Like.
    2. Click to display the Calendar control and select a date.
    3. Specify the time in the hh:mm format.
  • Action: Refers to the action status of the process instances. Select a check box to select process instances by their action status. The options available are:
    • All: Displays all process instances.
    • Restart: Displays the restarted process instances.
    • Suspend: Displays the process instances in which an activity was suspended.
    • Reset: Displays the process instances that were reset.
    • Edit Messagemap: Displays the process instances for which the message map was edited.
    • Terminate: Displays the process instances in which an activity was terminated.
    • Resume: Displays the process instances in which an activity was resumed.
    • Skip: Displays the skipped process instances.

Select by Business Identifier

You can also filter process instances based upon the business identifiers. When you select a business process, its associated business identifiers with column Show in PIM selected in business process properties in design time, are added to the business identifier selection table by default.
The options available for filtering are:

  • Name: Displays name of the business identifier as specified during design time.
  • Description: Displays description of the business identifier as specified during design time.
  • Data Type: Displays the data type of the business identifier as specified during design time.
  • Filter: Displays whether the filter is defined on the business identifier or not.
  • Selection Type: Displays the specified selection type.
  • Value(s): Provide the specific value(s) by editing the entry.
    You can perform the following actions:
  • To add a business identifier in the selection table, click . The Select a Business Identifier dialog box appears with existing list of business identifiers.
  • To edit a business identifier in the selection table, click . The Edit the Business Identifier dialog box appears.Select the Filter and enter the value and click OK.


    • Only four business identifiers will be considered for filtering the process instances.
    • The sequence in which the columns are displayed in the Filter Process Instances screen, can be ordered using and buttons.
    • If the business identifiers associated to business process model are modified, then only those business identifiers associated with the latest published or deployed business process model are shown in the Select by Business Identifier table.

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